Passage: Psalm 150:1~6
Key verse: 6 Psalm 150 is a triumphant and exuberant call to worship the LORD. It is a glorious exclamation point that closes a deep and satisfying journey in our relationship with God throughout the Psalms. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! We are to worship the LORD absolutely everywhere. We are to praise him here on earth as well as in the mighty heavens. We are to praise him for everything he has done and for all that he is. We praise him for his acts of power, the greatest of which is the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the grave. We praise the LORD for all his wonderful and inexhaustible attributes. We worship him for his love and grace and exalt him for his justice and mercy. From trumpets to lyres and from timbrels to cymbals, we are to praise God with all kinds of instruments. Our worship is to be exhilarating, diverse, and vibrant. There is no limit to place, reason, or instruments in our worship of the LORD. There is no limit to who should worship the LORD either. The psalmist writes, “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.” The one who blessed us with breath is the same one who should be exalted with that breath. Our worship of God should come as naturally to us as breathing itself. Let us rise and praise the LORD now and forever! Prayer: Father, we pray that your name may be exalted in all places and by all your people. One Word: Let everything praise the LORD! |