Passage: Psalm 149:1~9
Key verse: 1 God is alive and active in the lives of his people. Our situations change, but his grace and mercy flow all the more to meet our new circumstances. As time goes by, we become more aware of God’s love and grace. For this reason, our praise to God should evolve throughout our lives. We are to sing God’s praise with new songs that reflect our dynamic relationship with him. Israel had many reasons to praise the LORD. He was their Maker and King. He established the nation through his covenant with Abraham and he ruled his people with perfect wisdom, love, and justice. God’s people are to rejoice in him with exuberant music and dancing. In turn, God delights in his people and crowns them with the blessings of eternal salvation. Even on their beds, God’s people sing for joy. Perhaps they sing God’s praise when they first wake up and again when they lay down. God’s people are worshiping warriors. Israel lived in a promised land that was physical and at times they were called to execute God’s judgment on other nations. Christians, on the other hand, are called to fight a spiritual battle. The word of God, sharper than a two-edged sword, is our weapon. Our strength is the joy of the LORD. We fight this war on our knees in prayer and by sharing the gospel of Jesus. This is our duty and our great honor. Prayer: Father, let your name be forever praised! One Word: Let’s sing a new song together |